William Russell is a founding Director of the Mendocino Institute. He is Professor of Environmental Studies at San Jose State University and a renowned scientist in the field of redwood reforestation and an array of other topics in the fields of ecology and forestry. He has a PhD from the University of California, Berkeley.

Will Russell on Redwoods

Russell, W., Oba, N., and Deshpande, S. 2022. The influence of permanent induced edges in forest preserves in the urban-wildland interface. Open Journal of Forestry. 12:459-478. DOI: 10.4236/ojf.2022.124026 

Hanover, A., and W. Russell. 2022. Understory response to restoration alternatives in a Sequoia sempervirens (Cupressaceae) forest. Madroño 69(1):62-73. DOI:10.3120/0024-9637-69.1.62 

Mahdizadeh, M and W. Russell. 2021. Initial Floristic Response to High Severity Wildfire in an Old-Growth Coast Redwood (Sequoia sempervirens (D. Don) Endl.) Forest. Forests 12:1135. DOI:10.3390/f12081135 

Herbaceous Understory Indicators of Post-Harvest Recovery in Coast Redwood (Sequoia sempervirens) Forests
Will Russell | Open Journal of Forestry | 2020

Old-Growth Characteristics on a Coast Redwood (Sequoia sempervirens (D. Don) Endl.) Pygmy Forest Ecotone
Will Russell, Zuhayl Lambert and Suzie Woolhouse | California Botanical Society | 2019

Variation In Old-Growth Coast Redwood (Sequoia sempervirens) Reference Sites In Mendocino County, California
Kristin K. Michels, Will Russell | Madroño | January 2016

A Tale of Two Species
Will Russell | River of Fire, Commons, Crisis & The Imagination | 2016

Approximation of Fire-Return Intervals with Point Samples in the Southern Range of the Coast Redwood Forest, California, USA
Will Russell, Gregory A. Jones | Fire Ecology Vol. 11, Issue 3 | 2015

Survival and Recovery Following Wildfire in the Southern Range of the Coast Redwood Forest
Rachel Lazzeri-Aerts, Will Russell | Fire Ecology Vol. 10, Issue 1 | 2015

Stand Development on a 127-yr Chonosequence of Naturally Regenerating Sequia Sempervirens
Will Russell, Kristin Hageseth Michels | Madroño, Vol. 57 | 2010

Voices: Jackson State Forest

William Russell, Environmental Studies, San Jose State University, adds his voice to the discussion concerning the Future of Jackson Demonstration State Forest. The interview was produced for KZYX, Mendocino County Community Listener Supported Radio by Loreto Rojas and Cal Winslow.

Listen: William Russell on Redwoods
